McCarthys of Gansett Island Series rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Authored by Marie Sullivan Force
Marie Force is interviewing here tomorrow
She's answering reader questions & giving away her entire series
How are the sex scenes?
Plentiful, surprising and trickled throughout. They get hotter as the series continues.
How are the story lines?
Entertaining and fulfilling enough to make you forget you're reading a romance novel.
Until someone takes their clothes off.
Then you're glad you're reading a romance novel.
Until someone takes their clothes off.
Then you're glad you're reading a romance novel.
Would you read it again?
I've read them all twice. I've read some thrice.
Novels (click for excerpts)
Maid for Love (currently FREE on Amazon and other sites);
Fool for Love;
Ready for Love;
Falling for Love;
Hoping for Love;
Season for Love (read Sallie's review); and
Longing for Love (Coming late summer/early fall 2012).
Fans are fascinated with Marie Force, her endearing female characters, and the entire lickable McCarthy (and others) male cast.
Marie is a self published author with a Harlequin Fatal Series on the side. She has described her entire writing career as "the house that Jack built" because Jack is the main character of her first novel that lead to the Treading Water Trilogy.
Hello Jack, Clare....Reid.
The McCarthys of Gansett Island is a soon-to-be seven book series that has everyone emailing Marie, "When is it that next book out again?"
These addictive stories follow the McCarthys and friends through unexpected parenthood, broken engagements, first times and loving another while carrying someone else's baby.
Many series become as unbelieving as daytime soap operas, but Marie's well paced, practical writing keeps reality - and plot development - in check.
These addictive stories follow the McCarthys and friends through unexpected parenthood, broken engagements, first times and loving another while carrying someone else's baby.
Many series become as unbelieving as daytime soap operas, but Marie's well paced, practical writing keeps reality - and plot development - in check.
Marie's writing also improves throughout the series and - wait for it - so do the sex scenes. Season for Love has more sex than any book prior and Hoping for Love is quite surprising for a woman who writes intimate encounters "like no one is ever going to read it."
Well, we read it Marie...and it rocks.
Well, we read it Marie...and it rocks.
In her last novel, Season for Love, Marie brought her A game and...whew.
Marie has graduated from the school of Self-Published to Self-Published-and-Self-Employed-because-I'm-Awesome.
Join us tomorrow (read the interview) and find out why fans (me included) will continue to follow the McCarthys of Gansett Island series and consistently buy anything Marie Force writes.